Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Educational Philosophy

I believe that Education is everything. The more a person knows, the better prepared they are to face an everchanging world. Thomas Jefferson stated that "Knowledge is power." Unfortunatley, more and more students are becoming less interested in their own learning. They do not see the value in education. Instead they view school and education as tedious and boring. It is our job as educators to teach students the knowledge they need to be successful in our world in fun, interesting ways in order to pique their interests and show them that learning can be fun! By pursuing and education, a person improves their future, their community, and even the world. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, and the Wright brothers first flew in 1903. All three of these individuals used their knowledge ad radically changed their world. We can drastically change our world for the better if we would appreciate and value the power in Education and knowledge. I originally was not an Education major. I started college in a Pre-Med program to become a doctor. However, after a few years, I decided that the medical field was not the path for me. I struggled to decide what to change my major to once I quit the Pre-Med program. It was because of a handful of teachers from my elementary school and high school who inspired me with their enthusiasm for learning and passion for teaching that I realized that teaching is one of the hardest, but most rewarding careers there is. These teachers showed up everyday and made learning fun and enjoyable in such a way that students were never bored in class. These are the types of teachers that are needed, and the type of approach to education that is needed to teach students. I hope that one day I can inspire students and make them excited about learning the way my teachers did for me.

Awesome Science Videos

Reading Responses

            Because I plan on teaching Composite Science at Secondary level, I tried to choose books that covered all the Science disciplines. Earth and Big Bang could be used for Astronomy to explain concepts such as various theories on the origin of the universe and black holes. Parasite Rex would be a great book to use in a Biology class as an introduction and instructional supplementing tool for a unit over adaptation and relationships between organisms. Double Helix and Genome would also be great books to use in a Biology class when going over topics like genetics and genetic manipulation. I also tried to have fiction and non-fiction books. Fiction books would offer students more intrigue and it would be easier for them to be caught up in the story, and therefore the Science, then most non-fiction books. However, I tried to choose non-fiction books that were not too boring or too technical so that students would be interested in them.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Website Evaluations

Here are a few websites that I think are useful in several Science disciplines. Some of the websites are more fun, with activities and interactive games that high school students would enjoy. Others are more instructional and educational.

     1.     Name of Website: Chemicool

2.    Website Address:
3.    Copyright date
Chemicool has been online since1996, and was last updated in 2012
4.    Author:
Chemicool was created by David D. H. from the Massachusetts Institute of technology. He acquired data from several sources t
o make this website, including the following people: D. Cabrol, J.W. Moore, and J.C. Kotz. He also used information concerning the periodic table from the Perkin-Elmer Periodic v2.02 to complete his website. Dr. Doug Stewart writes much of the material and information used on this website, and also maintains it.